Tag #laravel

Configuring and Utilizing Multiple Databases in Laravel

In Laravel, managing multiple databases is a common requirement for complex applications where data is distributed across different databases. Whether you need to interact with multiple databases for sharding, legacy systems, or simply for better organization, Laravel provides a convenient way to handle multiple database connections out of the box. n this guide, we’ll explore how to configure and utilize multiple database connections in Laravel, along with practical examples to demonstrate various scenarios.

Simplifying data structures with ENUM in Laravel

In modern web development, handling data structures efficiently is a crucial aspect of creating robust applications. ENUM (Enumerated Type) is a powerful feature in PHP that enables developers to define a set of named constants, making code more readable, maintainable, and less prone to errors. In this blog post, we will explore ENUM in PHP and discuss how it can be integrated into Laravel, one of the most popular PHP frameworks.

Install and Configure Supervisor for Laravel Queue

Supervisor is a process control system for Linux that allows you to monitor and control processes on your server. It is particularly useful for managing long-running processes, such as Laravel queues, which can run for hours or even days at a time. In this post, we will go through the process of installing and using Supervisor with Laravel queue

Queues in Laravel

Sometimes individual processes take a long time to complete, such as sending email, payment gateway, etc. When you send an email for verification, it takes time. If you don’t want to make the user wait, then you need to use queues. This will make your service fast for the user.

Events and Listeners in Laravel

Laravel Events provides a simple implementation of the Observer pattern, allowing you to subscribe to and monitor various events that occur in your application. Event classes are usually stored in the app/Events directory and their listeners in app/Listeners.

Database transactions in Laravel

In web development, data integrity and accuracy are important. Therefore, we need to be sure that we are writing code that securely stores, updates, and deletes data in our databases. In this article, we’ll take a look at what database transactions are, why they’re important, and how to get started using them in Laravel. We will also look at typical problems associated with third-party services and database transactions.

Repository Pattern in Laravel - PHP Design Pattern

Repositories are classes or components that contain the logic needed to access data sources. Repositories provide centralized functionality for accessing data, allowing better management and separation of the infrastructure or technology used to access data from the domain model. If you’re using an object-relational mapping (ORM) like the Laravel Framework, the code you need to implement is simplified thanks to Eloquent and strong typing. This allows you to focus on the data persistence logic rather than the data access helper functions.

How to register and use the Laravel service providers

If you’ve ever been familiar with the Laravel framework, it’s unlikely that you haven’t heard of service containers and service providers. In fact, they are the backbone of the Laravel framework and do all the heavy lifting when you launch an instance of any Laravel application.